patent & trademark attorneys Brno
Patents shall be granted for any inventions which are new, which involve an inventive step and which are susceptible of industrial application. Inventions must have a technical character.
Are you interested in what the entire patent application process entails, how much it costs to file a patent and then maintain patent protection? What needs to be done on your end and what can we do for you?
Call us at +420 543 217 593, email us at or make an appointment at our office at Mendlovo náměstí 1a in Brno.
The patent application is published 18 months after the filing date. The publication establishes the right to the protection against infringers of a future patent, the granted patent retroactively protecting the invention back to the publication date of the application.
A patent may be granted after the substantive examination by the Industrial Property Office is carried out. A request for the substantive examination can be filed any time since filing the patent application until 36 months after the filing date. This term cannot be extended and if said term is not met, the application lapses.
The effect of the patent begins on the date of publication of the mention of its grant in the Official Bulletin of the Industrial Property Office; a remuneration for infringing the rights from the patent is enforceable retroactively for the period starting with the publication date of the patent application.
The validity of the patent is 20 years since the filing date and is subject to the payment of annual maintenance fees. In case of medicaments and preparations for the protection of plants, a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) may be granted to the effective compound, which certificate may extend the patent validity by another 5 years at the most (or 5 and half year in case of pediatric drugs).
Proceedings take place at the Czech PTO (ÚPV), the patent is valid only in the territory of the Czech Republic.
The first phase of the proceedings (filing, search, publication, eventually a preliminary examination) takes place at the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), then the proceedings continue individually in the selected contracting states or regions, which nowadays amount to 152.
Proceedings take place at the European Patent Office (EPO) until the grant of the patent, after which it is possible to "validate” the patent in any of the European Patent Convention (EPC) countries: AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR.
Proceedings take place at the national foreign PTO, the patent is valid only in the territory of the respective country.